Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Thank you :)

Today was the first day of my holidays!!! Ive got 3 weeks off! YAY!
I met up with Daria and her baby Kaia at Warringah Mall! We went and watched the movie "Juno". Kaia was a good boy and slept through the whole movie including the extra loud previews!!
Daria then gave me a gift for the baby...
WOW!!! So Spoliet!!! Thanks So much Dar & Marty! Matt and I love it all!!!

After meeting up with Daria I went for a swim at the rock pool. Its been such a hot day today and i knew that would be the only way I'd be able to cool down!!! Tomorrow im off to see the midwives for a checkup! I feel great (a little tired but thats all) so all is great!!!
Hope everyone is well?!
Xx Jess

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

A Layout & Published!!

I made a layout the other day of one of our chrissie photos!!
Here it is!! My first time using Hambly!

"christmas 2007"

A big thank you to Nicole for lettting me know I have been published in this months For Keeps Magazine! My first time published in there!! So exciting!!!
This is the layout they published...

"red love"
Im on holidays for 3 weeks!! So exciting! And its still summer! So im very excited!! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Xx Jess

Saturday, 26 January 2008

*Happy* Australia Day!!!! :)

Happy Australia Day to everyone!!
I hope everyone had a fun day, wore their thongs, cooked on the barbie, ate some vegemite toast for brekkie, played some beack cricket and spent their day being as Aussie as can be!!!

We all had to work but we had Aussie bandanas and did a few "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! - oi!oi!oi!"!
Here are some work pics...

(Shan, Evelyne, Jess, John, Sian & dad)
John, Me and Sian!

Same again but with Mum instead of Dad! :)

Cheers Mate!
Xx Jess

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Art Journal Challenge - Week Forty Four...

Easy! This card was fun!

The prompt for this week:

Im a bit of a gypsie! I live in Narrabeen with my boyfriend Matty, however I drive 2 hours away to Katoomba where I work and stay with my parents during my days at work, so I kind of have two homes..
(not for long though... now that im having a baby, i'll soon be finishing up working for my parents then i'll be calling Narrabeen by 'full time' home!)



Art Journal Challenge - Week Forty Three...

This was a fun card to create...

The prompt for this week: "sCaRy!"

I knew I'd have to make a card on my little halloween witches!! My mum bought them for me a few years ago for 50cents each! I had decided if I got any trick'n'treat kids, i'd give them eatch a little witch... um, so.. i had to pack them away for next halloween as noone knocked on my door!



Art Journal Challenge - Week Forty Two...

This was cool!! I actually made this one back in October but I never posted it as I had written that I went to see the obstrecian and I was still keeping quiet about my pregnancy way back in october!

The prompt for this week: "a grateful week"

I think this card speaks for itself...



Art Journal Challenge - Week Forty One...

So.. As you can see from the previous post... I liked this post and knew exactly where I wanted to go...

The prompt for this week:
"magic carpet..."

I love Hamilton Island! Matty and I had such a GREAT time there a few years back! I'd LOVE to go again!!



Art Journal Challenge - Week Forty...

hahaha, silly me!
I actually did the week 41 prompt twice..

The prompt for this week:
"not anymore"

I actually made this for the "magic carpet" prompt but I figured I could use it for this one too.... Matty and I went to Hamilton Island a few years ago on a holiday! Matty actually WON the accommodation, so it really was a great trip! We've wanted to go again since however, the price is way too extreme.. thats where the "not anymore" comes in... I dont think we'll be going there again in a while! Boohoo! :)



Art Journal Challenge - Week Thirty Nine...

Well, im trying to catch up with my Art Journal Challenge of 2007 hosted by Emily Falconbridge!
I thought this was the greatest idea and I really want to have 52 cards in my tin asap!!!

The prompt for this week: "someone spesh! (special that is)"

Easy! My good friend Daria gave birth to her gorgeous little boy 13 weeks early. He weighed 870grams when he was born.
You should see him now! Six months old and a happy, healthy and gorgeous little baby!! He's so special!



Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Playing Catch Up...

I haven't blogged for a week and seems like i've got so much to show'n'tell! So i hope this post wont be too boring for you all!!

Last night Matty and I built the baby's cot!!! It looks so cute! Im so happy we built it! Here are some piccies...

As you can see from the photos... we still have a lot of organising to do in that room! So im glad we've started early!!!

For christmas I recieved some money from my parents and grandparents so with it i bought myself a desk so I can have a scrap area!! Its awesome! I love having everything out and not having to pack it all away after every time I scrap!!

The little shelving unit on top of the desk is actually a CD and DVD shelf! I bought it because I knew if I lay it horizontal, it would be prefect to store my scrapbooking goodies (and it is!!)

I was very excited to see that in this month's Scrapbooking Memories Magazine (Vol 9 No 9) I got this layout published...


I was also so excited to see this layout published again with a great little comment about it!! Thank you!!! It really made my day...

"fun together"

Also around christmas time i recieved a parcel from this talented lady... Esther!
It was such a lovely surprise!! Thank you Esther for the RAK! I cant wait to use all the goodies in it!!!

Im still nannying little Jade, who is growing up so fast!! She's 17 months old now!! And such a little character, and she gives the best cuddles!! Such a sweet baby! Here are a couple of photos I took with my camera phone (so as you can see they aren't the best quality!)

This is Jade in a cute little outfit with her cat 'boot'...
Jade on her new couch! She loves it! This is her relaxing and watching baby babble on tv...
My friends Daria and Marty came over with their baby boy Kaia the other day!! Kaia is such a cutie and such a good baby! It was great to hang out with you guys!! Come over again SOON!!!
I hope you are all having a lovely day!! Im off. Hopefully i'll get motivated to scrapbook this afternoon!!
If you havent already... dont forget to vote if you think we are having a boy or a girl (in the side bar>>>) and dont forget to leave a comment so I know who has voted & what they are thinking!!!
Xx Jess

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Baby Shopping!

On monday the 8th January my Mum and I went down to leichhardt cos we heard of a big baby sale at this shop... Seeing as im only 5 months pregnant we were kind of going to see if we could get some good deals not buy lots and lots but we did get carried away and saved a bundle too!! So i definately think it was worth it!! Plus two of the things i picked have an 8 week wait on them so that made me real happy to think i didnt leave it too long!

What i bought:
A Cot that has a drawer underneath. Usual Price $649.00. We Paid $349!
A Matress for the cot. $149
A Matress Protector. Usual Price $29. We Paid $24.65!

A 'Steelcraft' Stroller. Price $169. We Paid $134!
I just wanted a simple, small stroller that would easily fit in my car boot and in shops without any hassle and I really liked this one as the baby capsule (below) clicks right into it too!!

A Safe'n'sound Unity Carrier Carseat. Price $299. We Paid $249!

Although this means we will have to buy another carseat once the baby is over 12kg, I really wanted one of these as we live on the 2nd floor of our apartment and I thought it would be great for transporting a newborn from the car, up so many stairs without potentially waking it up. Plus I like that it clicks into the stroller!!! :)

A Travel Cot. Price $109. We paid $ 79! (bargan!!!)
A Chest of Drawers that also has the change table part on top. Price$ 649. We Paid $499!
A Change Pad. $28.90
A Bouncer (that vibrates and plays music!) It will actually be from my brother, but it was 1/2 price so we thought he'd probably apreciate it if we bought it then!! :) Price $99. We Paid $49!

A Set of Cot Sheets. Price $49.95. We Paid $42.46!
A Cot Blanket. Price $25. We Paid $20.40!
A Pretty Cot Blanket. Price $69.95. We Paid $59.46!
(we just bought one kind of set of sheets as we dont know if its a boy or girl yet so we bought some neutral tones so the cot is all ready when the baby gets home!)

All up, we saved $641.93!!! So i think it was definately worth it!! I have to add that my parents paid for it all!!!! We are so grateful and SPOILET!!!! Thanks so much Mum and Dad!!!
I will go and buy all the other little bits and pieces before the little one comes!! I cant wait!!!! Still 4 months to go!!!

Sorry if this post had a lot of 'facts and figures' I just really wanted to jot it all down for my own records too!!!

Mum and I spent about 4 hours in that shop! (we did leave the shop and have lunch too!) I did research before we got there so I had a fair idea of what I wanted! I knew I wanted that stroller, but I hadnt seen it in 'real life' yet, but when I did I was happy! Also the cot, i knew i wanted a drawer underneath.. so I researched those and Im happy with the one we found!

Matty is happy with everything that we recieved!! He wants to build the cot up now, but im not sure as I dont want it to get dirty or dusty before the baby comes!

This is me with only some of the goodies we bought on the day!! As you can see.. I was exhausted afterwards!!! haha!
Xx Jess

Thursday, 10 January 2008

I liked the look of this...

Hi Everyone!
I saw this on Caroline's blog and I really thought it was a great questionnaire so i've decided to fill it out here too!!!
No tagging here but if you guys fill it out let me know cos i'd love to read about your 2007 year!

1) Where did you begin 2007? BBQ @ Our place, 9pm fireworks in Manly then unfortunately I had to go home as i was really unwell.

2) What was your status by Valentine's Day? In a relationship with Matty! I dont think we did anything or got eachother anything tho!

3) Were you in school (anytime this year)? Nope!

4) How did you earn your money? Working for my parents waitressing, a really good job with good bosses! And Nannying Jade, and have loved seeing her progress and grow throughout the year!

5) Did you have to go to the hospital? Yes, to have and Endoscopy, which revealed (in april 07) that i have Coeliac Disease.

6) Did you have any encounters with the police? NO, but my brother, John, had a funny one...
John and my mum went to the airport in december to pick my cousin coming to Australia on a holiday. They were just waiting around at the gates for my cousin to arrive, and a Police Officer tapped onto my brother's shoulder said "excuse me", my brother was probably sh*t scared and thinking oh sh*t! What did I do?! And the officer then says; "you served us in your restaurant last week, we had the raclette, it was awesome!". John had a huge sigh of relief!! Thats pretty cool as our restaurant is a 2 hour drive from Sydney!! And that police officer came back a couple of weeks later with his family to have another meal!

7) Where did you go on holiday? To Perth in August with Matty and on a road trip with my parents up the NSW coast in November!

8) What did you purchase that was over $1000? Well, Matt bought a bike and a kayak both over that price.. but i didnt buy anything that was $$$!! Im saving up for our baby!!

9) Did you know anybody who got married? Yes Steve & Eva in March, Jay & Marina in March, Jen & Jess in September and Mandy & Paulo in November!

10) Did you know anybody who passed away? my great unkle Charlie Brown, and then sadly his wife Heidi about 2 months later, who died on his grave (of a broken heart).

12) Did you move anywhere? no!

14) What concerts/shows did you go to? My friend Bec got us free tickets to Pricilla the Musical, it was AWESOME! (thanks bec!!), We went to another musical 'Company'.. not that great! Still fun to have a night out with the girls though! And to the Circus which was fun!

15) Are you registered to vote? In Australia, its compulsury.

16) Who did you want to win Big Brother? Zach, but he came 2nd (oh, isn't that tragic that I still remember that?!)

17) Where do you live now? Narrabeen, NSW

18) Describe your birthday... I had my grandparents over from Switzerland, we went to the Casino buffet dinner and then did some gambling and... I won $750!! WOW! What a night! Then the following night went to dinner with Bec and Kato! Matty bought me a 85-300mm lens for my Nikon!

19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007? Go to watch a soccer game!! It was awesome too!!

20) What has been your favorite moment? Getting Pregnant!

21) What's something you learned about yourself? Lots, i guess, with being so sick at the start of the year, then being diagnosed with coeliac disease, but i've learnt your body bounces back real fast if you look after it (for me that is eating Gluten Free, even though its such a pain!)

22) Any new additions to your family? Not till 2008!!! Cant Wait!!!

23.) What was your best month? I think each month had something special happen in it!!

24.) What music will you remember 2007 by? OH gosh, i have no idea!

26) Made new friends? No, not in 2007! Im happy with all the great friends I have!!!

And here is a photo collage of 2007...
Xx Jess

Thursday, 3 January 2008

New Years Eve 2007-08!!

We had a great start to the new year!! Kato and Bec went out driving the night before to find a good spot to go to on New Year's Eve! So thanks to their detective work we all met up at Balls Head in North Sydney to watch the fireworks!! We brought rugs and had a picnic! It was a good fun night!!

The city before the midnight fireworks

Bec, Kato, Matty and Mikey having a picnic! Bec and Kato
Matty & Me
9pm Fireworks
9pm Fireworks
Matty, Mikey & Kato having a good time!!

The Spider web we nearly walked into (scary!)
***HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!***
welcome 2008!

a police helicopter (yes! you have to use your imagination here!!)

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Last Night...

When Matty and I went to bed matty put his hand on my belly and felt the baby kick (twice) for the very first time!! On the 01.01.08!! So exciting for us, Finally Matty got to feel his baby too!!!
Xx Jess