Happy New Year!!!!!!
Well, another year has arrived!!
2010 was full of ups and downs!
The best part was Indiana arriving in our family, on Liberty's birthday!
My two little girls are wonderful and bring us so much joy!!!
The best part was Indiana arriving in our family, on Liberty's birthday!
My two little girls are wonderful and bring us so much joy!!!
They are great sisters and they get on so well!!!
We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary, My brother and Siany got married! My grandparents left the country and then came back!!!
We had lots of wonderful times!!!
The down was definitly my appendicitis. Getting so sick after my operation. Dont even get me started on the state of the public hospital I spent a week in!!! But im on the mend now (finally) and we are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
The down was definitly my appendicitis. Getting so sick after my operation. Dont even get me started on the state of the public hospital I spent a week in!!! But im on the mend now (finally) and we are looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Im not usually into new years resolutions. Usually I dont make any. This year however, I seem to have HEAPS! One of these is to take a Photo a day 2011 again!! I did it in 2009 and it was hard work every day, and it cost a heap to get it printed into TWO blurb books. But I look back on those books and the time it took and the cost was TOTALLY worth it, so im doing it for another year!! wohoo!!!!!!
It's also a great way for our friends & families over in Switzerland and New Zealand to see what we are up to on a day-to-day basis and watch the girls grow!!! Please let us know if you are watching! I like knowing who is looking!!
to be taken to my photo-a-day-2011 page.
Happy New Year!!!
Xx Jess