Thursday, 10 July 2008

It Official....

Liberty is officially smiling!!! She is so cute when she smiles!! She has been giving us little semi smiles for a few days, but yesterday, she just started grinning and talking non stop. She looks straight into your eyes and gives huge smiles, it's so rewarding and beautiful! And what a great birthday pressie for a proud Daddy... Liberty giving huge smiles for the first time on his birthday!!
Xx Jess


Nicole said...

awww don't those smiles melt your heart.

Was just reading the post below, and LOL about the poo incident, caught Charlotte at about 7 months with her nappy off and poo all over the cot and all over her too. Even now when I think about it I laugh.

Awesome news about only getting up once through the night too. Makes everything a little easier when you get some decent sleep.

Oh and my babes were happiest when attached to the boob too. LOL


Siany said...

What a great bday pressie for Matt :)

Natália Rosin said...

Ohhh how cute...
COngratulations to Matt!

Anne Thompson said...

The first time my Loralai smiled at me I cried! It is such an awesome feeling to have them smile at you! SHe is such a beautiful girl Jess! I love all hte pics of her!

Kate said...

OMG How cute is she!!!!

I gave you an award on my blog come by and see!!

Anonymous said...

Oh that cute little angel! She looks more like you when she smiles! So quick, it is all going too fast for me!!! I have only seen her a couple of times! Just keep that smiling little cute girl as is til I can get down there! Haha!