Friday, 14 August 2009

3 months to go...

....till OUR WEDDING!!!!

Oh wow!
Still so much to organise!!!
Im so nervous, excited, happy!!!
I cant wait!
Xx Jess


Anne Thompson said...

Congratulations!!! Glad you are doing so well! Liberty is a doll!!

Debbie Doughty said...

I'm sure it will be a beautiful day in every way!

DB said...

SO SO EXCITING! I still feel like we are just those youngins that used to go climbing, still amazes me we are mums & getting hitched! I'm excited, it'll be the first shindig I've been to in years! Seriously!

Siany said...

I cant wait until your wedding! Im so excited and Im sure it will be so beautiful!!

Brigitte G. said...

oh my goshhh !!
this is going to be soo cool !! and you will look sooo beaudiful !!
All the best Jess !!!