... well not just yet, but on thursday there will only be six weeks left till the due date of our baby #2! Some days feel long and some days seem fast, but all in all, this pregnancy seems to have flown by (im obviously having a good day today or i'd be saying the opposite!! haha!)
I cant wait to see what sex our baby will be. What he/she will look like. And the biggest thing... How will Liberty react to having a little brother or sister! She points out to every baby she see's and she LOVES her dolly's and is such a good mother to them. So Im hoping she will be thrilled with our new arrival!
Not as much preparation has gone into setting up for baby #2. I do have to chase up our carseat, rocker and playmat from a friend who is burrowing everything, so that I can wash it all and have it all installed before baby comes.
I havent bothered to buy any clothes yet. I've washed all Libby's newborn white and unisex clothes and we will go from there once he/she comes. And we seem to have everything else.
We've finally got a girls name and we think we have our boy's name so that is a relief!!!
All that we had to buy was a cradle for the baby (thanks mum & dad), as we decided not to transfer Libby into a bed before baby comes. Also a double stroller. I want somewhere to restrain Liberty and also somewhere for her to sit when she gets tired + I think she'll want to be in the stroller if the baby is, so this will save some meltdowns im hoping!
We cant wait to meet our new baby! Im ready now!! Well, in a few weeks! I'll just keep it baking for a tad longer in the meantime & spend as much quality time with Libby before it comes.
This is the stroller we bought.. the Mountain Buggy Duo! Its big, but I wanted something were the newborn is comfprtable and so is the toddler! We currently have a single BOB which I love but you cant get them in Australia - boo

Here is Liberty's bedroom! All ready to share!!!

Oh yeah, we also bought this feeding glider chair on ebay for $50 a few months ago! I didn't have one for Liberty and I said to myself 'for the next one, i want somewhere comfortable to sit'

Baby's cradle

Liberty's cot

Xx Jess

Xx Jess
NO FREAKING WAY! I can't believe it's TIME already!!
Sounds like you are all set! Are you waiting until you deliver to find out what you are having?
Oh my goshhh !! can't believe it's nearly time for no 2 to come Jess !! how aweeeesome is this ?? it just seem not too long ago when Sian announced it in her blog for her wedding that youwere going to have no 2 and now... it's nearly here :)... you are not stressed ? you must be made to be a mum :)
keep us posted please :)
hugs to you beaudiful !!!
i cant wait to meet bump2.0!! The room looks so cute! You must be so excited Jess :)
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