Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Cowboys and Indians!!!

Last friday I took the night off work to go to Mikey's 30th birthday party!! The party theme: Cowboys and Indians!!
It was a great turn out!!

This is a photo of Matty and I! I went as a Cowboy and Matty went as an Indian!!! Everyone dressed up!!! It looked awesome and was so much fun having everyone in different costumes!!! The most original costume was definately Q who dressed as a COW!!!
And there were also the friends of Mikey's who dressed as Dallas Cowboys!!

It was an awesome night!!! Everyone had a fantastic time!! There was a great DJ there too that played some awesome tracks and we all danced along! We also surprised Mikey with a stripper (a cowgirl) which was funny!! Mikey was so embarassed! lol!
I'll leave youy with a collage of photos from the night!! I took so many its hard to upload them all!!!

Xx Jess


Siany said...

Sounds like you had a fab night!! Everyone looks great!!

You make a great Jessie the Cowgirl!! lol And how funny is Mattys Indian costume!! hehehe

So howcome you didnt put the stripper pics up!?! (Just kidding!!!!!)

Love all the crooked moustache pics!! hhehe

I see a scrap page coming??? xx

susan opel said...

I love costume parties! How fun!

leewoodside said...

Love those pics!!

Marie said...

wow looks like you guys had a great time,love the photo's, you make a great cowgirl.

Debbie Doughty said...

So nice to have pictures of ourselves with our loved ones! The card is perfect :) (What a fun 30th bday party!)

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! I lve dressing up, fun times :-)