Thursday, 23 August 2007

A New Arrival....

Yesterday (22nd August) My Mum's goat, Shaggy, gave birth to a little boy... Ragout!!He is ADORABLE!!!! I love him!!!! He is only one day old and its amazing what he already does!! he jumps around and plays games and waggs his little tail!! He's so funny to watch!
Here are lots of photos of Ragout and his new family!!!
Xx Jess
Isn't he adorable??!!

Keeping Warm

With His Mummy

With his "big sister Jess"

Look how strong he is already, standing up and walking around!!!!
Shaggy, Jess and Ragout
My Mum (the proud "grandma"!!!) and Ragout

Here is Biquette and KS (Kinder Surprise) wonder what all the fuss is about!!KS, shes cute too dont you think??!
My Mum with the new kid!Shaggy, Me (holding Ragout) and KSAwwwweee, Shaggy is such a good Mum!!Um, look at KS eating my hair!!! Typical GOAT!!! LOL

Mum giving KS some attention!!! KS does get a little jealous if you patt anyone else and not her!

and this last one is for a little bit of a laugh!!!!

Just to let you know!!! Shaggy is more than happy for us to cuddle her Kid as long as she can still see him! As soon as she cant see him she's baaaah's to call him back to her!!!


Kate said...

ah they're so cute. Gorgeous Pics Jess. Love the one of KS with KS on her own with her head to one side adorable!!:-)

Marie said...

wow how cute is Ragout. she is lovely, looks like mum.

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous. Steve would love him. Did I tell you already about the kid I turned down a few weeks ago? He was'nt happy with me about it..he grew up with goats so he thinks they make great pets. I love the photostrip at the bottom, made me chuckle..KS looks like he has a lot of character.

Siany said...

Hes so cute! I cant believe how quickly they are born, and walking straight after!! Theyre so funny those goats (and loud!) and theyre so big now. Ragout is so cute! I LOVE his colour - my favourite! You took some great photos!

Debbie Doughty said...

So cute! I wanted a pigmy goat when I was little. Too bad we lived in the city!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute it that, totally adorable. Great pictures! And congrats!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness! He is soooo cute! I wish I could pet him! Lucky you-oh, and your blog is wonderful.

Essie said...

O so Sweet. He's really cute. Love, es

BrigitteG said...

OMG !!! hOW coool is he and how cuuuuute !!! those make beauuuuudiful shots you know !!
can't believe it's just around the corner of the shops...looks like you're in the far far far away farm !!

Anonymous said...

look in my blog, i have tagged you for a nice award

xx Bodil

Anonymous said...

Way too cute!!! I didn't realise they were so friendly!The only goat I've ever known wasn't friendly at all...he used to chase us...a very scary character!!! lol

Anna M said...

They are soooo cute!
Bring on the chooks!

Nicole said...

Congrats!!! Everyone loves a new addition to the 'family'!!! :) Fantastic pics, Jess! xo

Micayla said...

OOOH, Ragout is so cute!!!

Familie Kubben said...

Hi Jessy! This pics are too cute! He is sooo adorable!!
lots of love

Anonymous said...

Me again...consider yourself tagged!!