No, I still havent given birth yet! I go from feeling sh*t scared about the birth to very excited to wanting to get it over and done with so we can finally have our baby in our arms!!
I seem to have gathered up a couple of estimated due dates. The one I was originally given was the 24th may (which is tomorrow!!) I've been using this date pretty much throughout all my pregnancy, but since I had the ultrasound a few weeks ago they said the estimated due date is the 27th may, so i'm now going by that one seeing as everyone keeps telling me most 1st babies arrive late... so that means...
4 days to go!!!! Wohoo!!!
Im actually predicting monday the 26th! I like the # 26 cos im born on the 26th feb!
Anyways, here are a couple of photos...
The excited 'parents to be'... in a few days (or up to a couple of weeks) we will be living a whole new life with a whole new person to take care of!! I dont think we really know what we are in for yet, but we CANT WAIT!!!!

Xx Jess
P.S. You dont have much more time to play my guessing poll! Let me know what you think... am I having a boy or a girl?? And leave your name and a comment on there, i love to know who thinks what!!! At the moment 'boy' is the leader! Its pretty much been 'girl' the whole time but now the 'boy' is winning! What will it be??? (to play... look in my side bar>>>>>>>>>>>>)
Hey there Jess :)
Don't stress yourself too much about the due dates. It will come when its ready :) All 4 of ours were passed the date we were given so I gave up using the date lol
Hang in there :) Hugs
Holy crap, your belly looks like it's about to explode!! Haha! So so awesome!! You better get that bonsai ready! Haha! (Yes inside joke, I don't just say wierd random things!)
Hey Jess, hope you're feeling great.
Charlotte was 8 days over and Zac was about two weeks under so I don't worry about dates now either. although I would like this one to come on it's due date.
Your belly looks gorgeous, really tight though, is it painful.
Better go, kids are calling
Good Luck if you haven't blog before bubs comes.
Hi jess
found you from SIS, loads of luck with the birth, i am going to guess you are having a BOY!
hugs and cannot wait to see new babay pics
anna x
Hi honey!
I have been away from blog land. I nearly freaked because I thought I had missed that you had your baby!
I am sooo excited for you.
Thinking of you!
I'm sticking with girl! I know it's hard, but try to enjoy every pregnant moment :)
Hi Jess,
it's getting so exciting now!!! I guessed you would have a Girl and "she's" gonna be born on 28th May, I like that date coz i's MY birthday !!!!LOL Seriously whatever you have whenever you have "it" I hope it all goes well for ye !! xoxox
Oh girlie! I really hope everything goes great! Thinking of you! Anne
CONGRATS JESS AND MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see photos of your gorgeous little bundle!
Well done and enjoy settling in with your beautiful little girl :)
HUGS to you all
hey jess
congrats on the birth...what a lucky family you have!!
Hello little Budda!
I hope that all is alright for you Jessy.
I can't wait to have more informations about your baby :).
I wish you all the beautiful things in the world!
Je vais écrire en français, car je suis vraiment trop excitée pour bien écrire en anglais.
J'espère que tu te portes bien et que ton accouchement s'est bien déroulé. Je me réjouis de connaître le sexe, le prénom, la taille, le poids, le jour et l'heure de naissance de ton petit trésor. :)
Je t'embrasse très fort et je te souhaite un bon retour à la maison :).
Encore toutes mes félicitations aux heureux parents.
XXX Carole
Good luck sweetie.
Wish you all the best for the next upcoming days, relax, take your time and enjoy all that will happen.
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