Tuesday, 22 April 2008

a FLIP!!

Here's another little video of our budda... this was filmed the same day as the previous video.. but on a different setting, its gone a bit slow motion which is weird!
Here the baby does what looks like a big flip! ouchy!! hehe! I dont think the head is engaged yet! hmmmm
35 weeks pregnant.

Xx Jess


Essie said...

Wow! That must have hurt! Looks like the baby is enjoying himself (or herself haha) in your belly.

Love, es

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess. Go to my bog. I gave you a little award :)

Carole said...

Like his father the baby will make a lot of sports ;D

XXX Carole

Anne Thompson said...

Oh my gosh, that was sooooo cool! I so wish I had cool videos of my girls like that in my tummy!!

Gigi said...

awww!!!!!!! so happy to see you enjoying your little bean so much :)

take it easy sweetie!!!!
all my best :)

Anonymous said...

Heyy so cool Jess !!
ouhhh you're getting nearly there and ...your life will be changed for ever and you'll be a MUM !! you're going to be soo good at this !!
Keep us posted (or Sian will for me anyway !! :)

TiteC said...

I made quite the same video when I was pregnant with my baby girl...

and believe me or not... she still does the exact same movements OUTSIDE of my belly !!! lol

that must have hurt... but it is so great to have these feelings...

xxx from France


Siany said...

I can honestly hear budda screaming "let me out NOW"!!!