Hi Everyone!
I filled out this questionnaire at the end of last year (click
here to see) and I decided to fill it out again! No tagging here but if you guys fill it out let me know cos i'd love to read about your 2008 year!
1) Where did you begin 2008? at Balls Head, watching the awesome fireworks over Sydney Harbour with Matty, Bec, Kato and Mikey! It was fun!
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day? In a relationship with Matty!
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)? No, But I did have my 10 year high school reunion in December!! That was interesting!
4) How did you earn your money? The start of the year, I was working for my parents in the kitchen making desserts and sometimes serving, but I finished up there in February. I also Nannied Jade at the start of the year and I think it was early march when I finished up with her. Since then, i've been a 'stay at home' Mummy!!!
5) Did you have to go to the hospital? Yes. I went for routine visits, then for the *big* day!!! 25th of May 2008, I gave birth to a beautiful baby GIRL!!! Liberty!!
6) Did you have any encounters with the police? No.
7) Where did you go on holiday? Early in the year (Feb) Matty and I went to Forster for a holiday, but the weather was so terrible we ended up coming home early! We then went back to Forster (july) with Matt's parents and our 5 week old Liberty. In August, Matty, Liberty (9 weeks old) and I went to Perth for 8 days! And then the three of us also went to King Valley in Victoria in September!
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000? A digital TV (currently getting repaired!??!!)
9) Did you know anybody who got married? Yes, our friends Matty A and Leea in October
10) Did you know anybody who passed away? No.
12) Did you move anywhere? no! We love it here in Narrabeen!!
14) What concerts/shows did you go to? We went to the Velodrome, once when Libby was in my tummy, once when she was born.
15) Are you registered to vote? In Australia, its compulsury.
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother? Was that still on TV this year??? I was probably too sleep deprived to notice!
17) Where do you live now? Narrabeen, NSW
18) Describe your birthday... I met up with my family at IKEA. It wasnt a good day at all, as the day before I was in the emergency room at hospital with heart pulpitations, and on the day of my birthday at IKEA, I went to the bathroom and was bleeding. I was pregnant at the time. I was too worried to enjoy myself.
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007? I actually always thought I would but as it like a dream come true... I bacame a mummy!!
20) What has been your favorite moment? Giving birth to Liberty and spending each and every day watching her grow!
21) What's something you learned about yourself? I like sleeping!!! hahaha! Its not till it was taken away that I realised how much i liked it!! HAHA!! Also, im a lot stronger than I gave myself credit for.
22) Any new additions to your family? My baby girl, Liberty born 25.5.08
23.) What was your best month? Every month! Obviously May was incredible because we became parents!
24.) What music will you remember 2007 by? "im yours" by Jason Mraz.
26) Made new friends? Yes, a great bunch of Mummies (and their babies) from my Mothers Group!! They are all awesome and its great to be able to share the milestones and also confusions and frustrations with a bunch of ladies going through the same thing!
And here is a photo collage of 2008...