If you'd like to go and check it out its here.
Feel free to join in if you like the ideas!!
This is a sneak preview of my final product of the 1st idea.

Xx Jess
Siany hopping into her little car
A duck - Love his reflection!
Sian and I on a rock with the beautiful Blue Mountains in the background (can you see my mum waving?? lol)
Close Up of Sian and I
My Mum and Me
My Mum sitting on a rock!
Siany Me
Mum & Me (reminds me a bit of Charlies Angels)
So, here is what I came up with...
Let me know what you think! Thanks :)
"My Mum"
Sian made me a real yummy dinner - chicken in a creamy mustard sauce! Lucky me! We also watched The Holiday a good chick flick!
The next day we went down to the beach in the morning and then also on a walk into town to drop back the Dvd (dont worry Matty, no late fees!!)We then had decided we were going to have lunch at my old workplace Xenos in Crows Nest. On the way there, we were happily driving along (with the windows down) until Sian spotted a HUGE Hunsman Spider creeping towards her (on the OUTSIDE of the car)!! I sware, we were both squealing!! We rushed to put up all the windwos and this bloody spider was crawling all over the place! As soon as it was safe to do so, I pulled over and Sian and I searched for the spider but he was nowhere to be seen!
After about 10 minutes we both got back in the car - we weren't even talking to eachother anymore! We were just in deep concentration about this spider. We didnt see it again.
We went and ate our lunch at Xenos! It was so YUMMY!!! I had the halumi! It was great to see my old bosses and workmates again!
After our yummy lunch, with the spider still on our minds, we hunted for it and it was still nowhere to be seen, phew, its gone! We knew we were kidding ourselves!
Back in the car and on our way to Chatswood in heavy traffic.. the huge thing came back to say hello "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" was the reaction from Sian and I (god knows what cars around us were thinking! LOL). Oh, I also almost drove into the back of a car!! So knew we had to get rid of this thing before we got seriously hurt in a car accident! I dont think insurance covers "but there was a HUGE Hunsman Spider" excuses. We pulled into a car park, and we used about 2/3rds of a tin of spider killer spray and finally we could drive in peace. It was sad to kill it, but we felt it was better it than us!
Here is a photo Sian took with her mobile phone camera (how brave!)So, that definately got our hearts pumping!! And we both had a good laugh when we knew we survived!!
I then dropped Sian off in Chatswood where she met up with my brother! I then went indoor climbing with Bec and I was invited for dinner at Bec and Kato's house for yummy nachos and chocolate covered strawberries yum yum!
Its been a great weekend!! Siany has also posted about it with different photos if you want to go see!
Xx Jess
Jade taking her afternoon nap
Look at that gorgeous & a little bit cheeky smile!!
Jade & Jess "selfie"
Look at her cute little tongue!
I wish i was that flexible! hehe
Narrabeen in 2007
I also went into North Narrabeen and took a photo looking back down onto Narrabeen where the ocean flows into the lagoon!
Here is that photo:
North Narrabeen
Just thought i'd share the photos of the beautiful place i call home!
Xx Jess
Me on the ferry with my parents old restaurant up on the right (bit of a blur)
a boat with the Aussie Flag!
a selfie
When I got home this afternoon, i checked the mail only to find.. some "happy mail" from Siany!! She made me this bank deposit pouch!! I cant believe she made it! Its so funky. Thanks Sian!
Xx Jess